Southern Santa


Pat retired from the US Army in 2015. After more than 36 years of service, he decided to team up with his wife Julia and put his boots to a different purpose.

Making appearances at churches, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, corporations, retail establishment, private homes, and more. Southern Santa is dedicated to bringing joy and memories by reminding everyone that Santa Claus is real. Story-telling with Santa or Mrs. Claus can be done at any event as they read “The Night Before Christmas” or the story of your choosing. They also offer their services for advertising, family or pet portraits, commercials, and parades.

In addition to being a member of the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas (IBRBS) and Nationwide Santas; both, Santa and Mrs. Claus, have graduated from the Santa Claus Academy with an Associates of Saint Nicholas degree.

They have current background checks, are fully insured, and believe in the “Santa Claus Oath.”

After a successful 2022 season full of home visits, business appearances, and charitable events. Southern Santa is excited to continue brining the spirit of the Christmas Season to you, and your loved ones.


Care to schedule an appointment, or have any questions?

Click on the link above to write a letter to Santa


Photo location provided by Robert Moore & Co.